Papers published in 2022

publisher:POGOCrelease time:2023-12-05browse number:53

[1] Han Yuxin, Shi Jiuxin, Hou Saisai, Xiao Changhao. Numerical simulation of the dynamic effects of grounding icebergs on summer circulation in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Advances in Polar Science, 2022, 33(2): 135-144. doi: 10.13679/j. advps.2022.0002

[2] Jiang Jindong, Shi Jiuxin, Huang Fei. Quasi-Biennial Variability of Indian Ocean Subtropical Mode Water Subduction Driven by Atmospheric Circulation Modes during the Argo Period. Journal of Climate, 2022,35(13):4085-4098. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0509.1

[3] 林丽金史久新,姚辰阳,郭桂军,程灵巧,矫玉田,施骞. 南极威德尔-斯科舍汇流区上层湍流混合特征及其与水团和环流的联系。极地研究,2022341):34-50.doi: 10.13679/j.jdyj.20210020

[4] Luo Yongyue, Shi Jian, An Xiadong, Li Chun. The combined impact of subtropical wave train and Polar−Eurasian teleconnection on the extreme cold event over North China in January 2021. Climate Dynamics, 2022, 57, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s00382-022-06520-w

[5] Wang Chaofeng, Wang Xiaoyu, Xu Zhiqiang, Hao Qiang, Zhao Yuan, Zhang Wuchang, Xiao Tian. Planktonic Tintinnid Community Structure Variations in Different Water Masses of the Arctic Basin. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 8, 775653

[6] Liu Fukai, Lu Jian, Leung L Ruby. Neutral Mode Dominates the Forced Global and Regional Surface Temperature Response in the Past and Future[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(15).

[7] Liu Fukai, Lu Jian, Kwon Young-Oh, Luo Yiyong. Freshwater Flux Variability Lengthens the Period of the LowFrequency AMOC Variability[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(20): 231.

[8] Liu Jianyu, Luo Yiyong, Liu Fukai. Externally forced symmetric warming in the Arctic and Antarctic during the second half of the twentieth century[J]. Geoscience Letters, Springer International Publishing, 2022, 9(1): 16.

[9] Li Qiuxian, Luo Yiyong, Liu Fukai. Asymmetric responses of the meridional ocean heat transport to climate warming and cooling in CESM[J]. Climate Dynamics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022, 58(34): 961979.

[10] Li Qiuxian, Luo Yiyong, Lu Jian, Liu Fukai. The Role of Ocean Circulation in Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Transport, and Storage Response to Quadrupled CO2[J]. Journal of Climate, 2022, 35(22): 35653582.

[11] Wang, W., Su, J., Jing, C., & Guo, X. The inhibition of warm advection on the southward expansion of sea ice during early winter in the Bering Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9:9468249. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.946824.

[12] Yao Yubin, Li Tao, Zhu Xingyuan, Wang Xiaoyu. Characteristics of water masses and bio-optical properties of the Bering Sea shelf during 20072009. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(10):140-153. 

[13] Shi, Huangyuan, Ling Du, Xubin Ni. Salinity variability modes in the Pacific Ocean from the perspectives of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and global warming. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2022, 127, e2021JC018092. JC018092.

[14] ZHUO Wenqin, YAO Yao, LUO Dehai, Ian Simmons, HUANG Fei. Combined impact of the cold vortex and atmospheric blocking on cold outbreaks over East Asia and the potential for short-range prediction of such occurrences, Environ. Res. Lett., 2022, 17084037

[15] 尹航,黄菲陈峥王宏20221980-2019年夏季东亚大槽减弱及其与北极海冰变化的关系,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),52(11): 24-33.

[16] 侯乔琨,黄菲陈峥2022:北半球冬季高空西风急流环流“闭合-断开”的年际振荡及其影响机制,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),52 (10): 34-46.

[17] 罗瑾,邹旭涛,王宏黄菲2022:北极海冰加速融化的年代际突变东西半球非同步特征,气候变化研究快报,113):248-259 

[18] Dong Linsen, Polyak Leonid, Xiao Xiaotong, Brachfeld Stefanie, Liu Yanguang, Shi Xuefa, Fang Xisheng, Bai Yazhi, Zhu Aimei, Li Chaoxin, Zhao Song, Wu Dong, Wang Chunjuan. A Eurasian Basin sedimentary record of glacial impact on the central Arctic Ocean during MIS 1–4. Global and Planetary Change, 2022, 219: 103993. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103993

[19] Li Ying, Li Dan, Song Beibei, Li Yanbin. The potential of mercury methylation and demethylation by 15 species of marine microalgae. Water Research, 2022, 215: 118266. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.118266

[20] Song Shasha, Isaac R. Santos, Yu Huaming, Wang Faming, William C. Burnett, Thomas S. Bianchi, Dong Junyu, Lian Ergang, Zhao Bin, Lawrence Mayer, Yao Qingzhen, Yu Zhigang, Xu Bochao. A global assessment of the mixed layer in coastal sediments and implications for carbon storage. Nature Communications. 2022, 13: 4903.

doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32650-0

[21] 万霞,张海龙,肖晓彤. 极地峡湾有机碳来源和埋藏研究进展. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,202242(4)73-83. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2022021401. 

[22] Qi-Long Qin, Zhi-Bin Wang, Qian-Qian Cha, Sha-Sha Liu, Xue-Bing Ren, Hui-Hui Fu, Mei-Ling Sun, Dian-Li Zhao, *************, Yin Chen, Xiu-Lan Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, Ping-Yi Li. Biogeography of culturable marine bacteria from both poles reveals that ‘everything is not everywhere’ at the genomic level. Environmental Microbiology. 2022. 24(1): 98–109.

[23] Shan Zhang, Hai-Yan Cao, Nan Zhang, Zhao-Jie Teng, Yang Yu, Zhi-Bin Wang, Peng Wang, Hui-Hui Fu, Xiu-Lan Chen, Yu-Zhong Zhang, Chun-Yang Li. Novel Insights into Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Catabolism by Cultivable Bacteria in the Arctic Kongsfjorden. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2022. 88(2):e0180621.

[24] Meiaoxue Han, Guangfu Luo, Jianfeng He, Yantao Liang, Xuechao Chen, Gang Liu, Yue Su, Fuyue Ge, Hao Yu, Jun Zhao, Qiang Hao, Hongbing Shao, Yeong Yik Sung, Wen Jye Mok, Li Lian Wong, *************, Min Wang. Distributions and relationships of virio- and picoplankton in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic zones of the Amundsen Sea, West 3 Antarctica during the austral summer. Frontiers in Microbioogy, 2022 13:941323.

[25] Meiaoxue Han, Shunan Cao, Guangfu Luo, Jianfeng He, Yantao Liang, Xuechao Chen, Chengxiang Gu, Gang Liu, Ziyue Wang, Wenjing Zhang, Yue Dong, Jun Zhao, Qiang Hao, Hongbing Shao, Yeong Yik Sung, Wen Jye Mok, Li Lian Wong, *************, Min Wang. Distributions of virio- and picoplankton and their relationships with ice-melting and upwelling in the Indian Ocean sector of East Antarctica. Deep Sea Research Part II, 2022, 197: 105044.

[26] Liu Zuoyang, Jiang Peiqiang, Niu Guojiang, Wang Wenjing, Li Jing. Lysobacter antarcticus sp. nov., an SUF-system-containing bacterium from Antarctic coastal sediment. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2022,72(2): 005250.

[27] Jiang Peiqiang, Ren Xintao, Wang Wenjing, Niu Guojiang, Li Jing. Arthrobacter terrae sp. nov., a psychrophilic actinobacterium with multi copies of capA gene isolated from Antarctic soil. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 2022, 115(5):635-644. doi: 10.1007/s10482-022-01727-7

[28] Zhaoxia Hou, Chunxiao Sun, Xuedong Chen, Guojian Zhang, Qian Che, Dehai Li*, Tianjiao Zhu*. Xanalterate A, altertoxin VIII and IX, perylenequinone derivatives from Antarctica-sponge-derived fungus Alternaria sp. HDN19-690. Tetrahedron Letters. 2022, 96, 153778.

[29] 赵漪,孙春晓,侯朝霞,李培霞,车茜,张国建,李德海,朱天骄. 南极海绵共附生真菌Talaromyces sp.HDN1820200次级代谢产物研究, 中国海洋药物, 2022, 41(1)24-30.

[30] Wang Yehui, Liu Chunlin, Duan Mi, Zhang Chi, Ye Zhenjiang, Liu Yang, Tian Yongjun, He Jianfeng. Community structure of mesopelagic fauna and the length-weight relationships of three common fishes in the Cosmonaut Sea, Southern Ocean. Advances in Polar Science, 2022, 33(02): 181-191. doi: 10.13679/j.advps.2021.0048.

[31] Duan Mi, Zhang Chi, Liu Yang, Ye Zhenjiang, Liu Chunlin, Tian Yongjun, He Jianfeng Early-life history traits of two icefishes, spiny icefish Chaenodraco wilsoni and ocellated icefish Chionodraco rastrospinosus, in the Ross Sea revealed by otolith microstructure. Polar Biology, 2022, 45(3): 427-436. doi: 10.1007/s00300-021-03002-3

[32] Duan Mi, Zhang Chi, Liu Yang, Ye Zhenjiang, Yang Jialiang, Liu Chunlin, Tian Yongjun. Growth and early life stage of Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) in the Amundsen Sea of the Southern Ocean: evidence for a potential new spawning/nursery ground. Polar Biology, 2022, 45(2): 359-368. doi: 10.1007/s00300-021-02994-2

[33] Ran Quan, Duan Mengge, Wang Pengcheng, Ye Zhenjiang, Mou, Xiangqin Wang, Tian Yongjun, Zhang Chi, Qiao Huijie, Zhang Jie. Predicting the current habitat suitability and future habitat changes of Antarctic jonasfish Notolepis coatsorum in the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2022, 199: 105077. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105077

[34] Liu Chunlin, Zhang Chi, Liu Yang, Ye Zhenjiang, Zhang Jie, Duan Mi, Yongjun Tian. Age and growth of Antarctic deep-sea smelt (Bathylagus antarcticus), an important mesopelagic fish in the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2022, 201: 105122. doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105122 

[35] Liu, H., Mao, Z., & Li, X. Analysis of International Shipping Emission Reduction Policy and China's Participation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 119.

[36] 刘惠荣,张志军.北冰洋中央海域200海里外大陆架划界新形势与中国因应[J].安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2022,46(05):79-87. DOI:10.13796/j.cnki.1001-5019.2022.05.009.

[37] 马丹彤,刘惠荣.原住民自治权视角下中国的北极治理参与[J].当代世界社会主义问题,2022(02):140-149. DOI:10.16012/j.cnki.88375471.2022.02.014.

[38] 刘惠荣,齐雪薇.BBNJ国际协定中人类共同继承财产原则的去留探析——人类命运共同体理念下的中国因应之策[J].法学论坛,2022,37(01):150-160.

[39] 郭培清,杨慧慧.美国北极能源的“极化”问题研究[J].当代世界与社会主义,2022(06):113-122. DOI:10.16502/j.cnki.11-3404/d.2022.06.019.

[40] 郭培清,王书鹏.印度北极战略新动向:顶层设计与实践进程[J].南亚研究季刊,2022(03):137-155+160. DOI:10.13252/j.cnki.sasq.2022.03.08.

[41] 郭培清,李文君.“权利束”视阈下斯瓦尔巴渔业治理格局研究[J].东北亚论坛,2022,31(03):60-75+127-128. DOI:10.13654/j.cnki.naf.2022.03.005.

[42] 郭培清,杨楠.俄罗斯任职北极理事会主席及其北极政策的调整[J].国际论坛,2022,24(02):50-75+156-157. DOI:10.13549/j.cnki.cn11-3959/d.2022.02.003.

[43] 陈奕彤.海平面上升的国际法挑战与国家实践——以国际造法为视角[J].亚太安全与海洋研究,2022(02):50-67+5. DOI:10.19780/j.cnki.ytaq.2022.2.4.

[44] Chen, Yitong, and Yinan Wang. The North Sea and Svalbard Fisheries Management Regimes in the Context of Brexit: Divergence and Implications. Fishes 7.6 (2022): 351. 

[45] Yixiang Sun, Cheng Man, Decheng Kong, Zhongyu Cui, Xin Wang, Chaofang Dong, Hongzhi Cui, Correlation between low-temperature anticorrosion performance and mechanical properties of composite coatings reinforced by modified Fe3O4 [J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022,165, 106737.

[46] 满成,国景一,孙议祥,崔中雨王昕崔洪芝,典型防护涂层体系在南极大气环境中的失效行为研究[J],表面技术,2022, 627-35.

[47] Zhuomin Li, Mingkun Liu, Suhui Wang. Liqin Qu, Lei Guan. Sea Surface Skin Temperature Retrieval from FY-3C/VIRR[J]. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14, 1451. https://doi. org/10.3390/ rs14061451.

[48] Haihua Chen; Xin Meng; Lele Li., Kun Ni. 2022. Quality Assessment of FY-3D/MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Brightness Temperature Data from the Arctic Region: Application to Ice Surface Temperature Inversion[J]. Remote Sensing, 14, 6392. rs14246392.

[49] Kun Ni, Haihua Chen *, Lele Li and Xin Meng, Retrieving the Motion of Beaufort Sea Ice Using Brightness Temperature Data from FY-3D Microwave Radiometer Imager[J]. Sensors, 2022, 22, 8298.

[50] 李乐乐, 王晓雨、陈海花, 苏洁, 管磊, FY3B/MWRI北极海冰密集度ASI算法反演研究[J],遥感学报,2022, 26(11): 2121-2135.

[51] Lele Li, Yanfei Fan, Haihua Chen, and Lili Zhan, Sensitivity Analysis of Microwave Brightness Temperature to Snow Depth on Sea Ice in the Arctic, 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2022,3951-3954.

[52] Shi, Q., Su, J., Spreen, G., & Yang, Q. An improved sea‐ice velocity retrieval algorithm based on 89 GHz brightness temperature satellite data in the Fram Strait[J]. Earth and Space Science, 2022, 9(6).

[53] 朱星源苏洁*,宋梅等,基于MODIS数据的渤海海冰厚度反演算法优化[J],海洋学报,202244(12)7083