



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院





1993/09-1997/06  中国海洋大学 海洋科学 学士

1997/09-2003/06  中国海洋大学 物理海洋学 博士


2003/04-2012/12     中国海洋大学 海洋环境学院 讲师

2013/01-今          中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 副教授


  1. 2009/01-2011/12,国家自然科学基金青年项目“格陵兰岛附近海域海平面变化研究”(40806072),20万,主持

  2. 2012/01-2017/06,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)“西北太平洋海洋多尺度变化过程、机理及可预测性”(2013CB956200),2600万,骨干

  3. 2007/07-2011/08,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)课题“近海及邻近大洋动力环境低频变异的可预测性研究”(2007CB411807),156万,骨干


  1. Zhaohui Chen, Lixin Wu, Bo Qiu, Lei Li, Dunxin Hu, Chengyan Liu, Fan Jia and Xi Liang, 2015. Strengthening Kuroshio observed at its origin during November 2010 to October 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(4), 2460–2470, doi:10.1002/2014JC010590.

  2. SUN Ruili, LI Lei and LI Peiliang, 2013. An analysis of the steric sea level change by introducing sea surface temperature.Journal of ocean University of China, 12(1):37-44.

  3. Hu D.Hu S.Wu L.Li L.Zhang L.Diao X.Chen Z.Li Y.Wang F.Yuan D.2013. Direct measurements of the luzon undercurrent. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(7):1417-1425.

  4. LI LeiJIANG WeiweiLI PeiliangYang Bo, 2012. Vertical structure of the tidal currents on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. Journal of ocean University of China, 11(3):347-353.

  5. Jing, Z., L. Wu, L. Li, C. Liu, X. Liang, Z. Chen, D. Hu, and Q. Liu, 2011. Turbulent diapycnal mixing in the subtropical northwestern Pacific: Spatial-seasonal variations and role of eddies. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10028, doi:10.1029/2011JC007142.

  6. Li Lei, Wang Huijuan, and Sun Ruili, 2011. Seasonal change of steric sea level in the GIN Seas. Journal of ocean University of China, 10(1):16-22.





Lei Li

Associate Professor

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel: +86-532-66782850

Email: lilei@ouc.edu.cn


09/1993-06/1997, B.S. in Marine Science, Ocean University of China

09/1997-06/2003, Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China


04/2003-12/2012, Lecture, Ocean University of China

01/2013-present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China


  1. 01/2009-12/2011, NSFC project “Research on the Sea level variation in the region near the Greenland” (40806072), 200k, PI

  2. 01/2012-06/2017, National Basic Research Program of China (973) project “Processes and mechanisms of multi-scale marine variability in the Northwest Pacific and its predictability” (2013CB956200), 26.0m, Participant

  3. 07/2007-08/2011, National Basic Research Program of China (973) project “Predictability of the low frequency variability in Chinese coastal seas and adjacent ocean” (2007CB411807), 1.56m, Participant


  1. Zhaohui Chen, Lixin Wu, Bo Qiu, Lei Li, Dunxin Hu, Chengyan Liu, Fan Jia and Xi Liang, 2015. Strengthening Kuroshio observed at its origin during November 2010 to October 2012. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(4), 2460–2470, doi:10.1002/2014JC010590.

  2. SUN Ruili, LI Lei and LI Peiliang, 2013. An analysis of the steric sea level change by introducing sea surface temperature.Journal of ocean University of China, 12(1):37-44.

  3. Hu D.Hu S.Wu L.Li L.Zhang L.Diao X.Chen Z.Li Y.Wang F.Yuan D.2013. Direct measurements of the luzon undercurrent. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43(7):1417-1425.

  4. LI LeiJIANG WeiweiLI PeiliangYang Bo, 2012. Vertical structure of the tidal currents on the continental shelf of the East China Sea. Journal of ocean University of China, 11(3):347-353.

  5. Jing, Z., L. Wu, L. Li, C. Liu, X. Liang, Z. Chen, D. Hu, and Q. Liu, 2011. Turbulent diapycnal mixing in the subtropical northwestern Pacific: Spatial-seasonal variations and role of eddies. J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10028, doi:10.1029/2011JC007142.

  6. Li Lei, Wang Huijuan, and Sun Ruili, 2011. Seasonal change of steric sea level in the GIN Seas. Journal of ocean University of China, 10(1):16-22.


Undergraduate: Oceanography; Tidology

Research Interests

the tide and sea level change in the ocean ;

the mater masses and the thermohaline structure in the ocean.