学术报告——Coupling wheels of East Asian summer monsoon and its diversity on interannual time scale



       Coupling wheels of East Asian summer monsoon and its diversity on interannual time scale


       The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is characterized by a three-dimensional coupling wheels in circulation regime, which can be described as the coactions of low-level western Pacific anticyclone (WPA), the upper-level South Asian high (SAH), and the Mongolian cyclone (MC) over North Asia. They act as three coupled dynamical wheels via the upper-level westerly jet over North China and the vertical shear of the meridional monsoonal flow over Southeast Asia. In present study, we applied the EOF and K-means cluster analysis and revealed the dominant modes of EASM in wind and rainfall anomalies during 1979–2015. The first mode shows a coupling wheels between MC and SAH with a passive response of WPA. The second mode, however, is featured by the coupling wheels between WPA and SAH with a passive response of MC. These two distinct coupling modes revealed the diversity of EASM regimes on interannual time scale. The strong or weak EASM correspond two distinct circulation regimes, implying that a perfect prediction of monsoon index may causes the failure of rainfall prediction.






(联系人) 盛立芳
