



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院433




2007/09-2011/06  中国海洋大学 大气科学 学士

2011/09-2017/06  中国海洋大学 气象学 博士

2014/09-2016/09  美国加州大学圣迭戈分校、Scripps海洋研究所 联合培养博士


2022/01-至今     中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 副教授

2017/07-2021/12   中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 讲师




  • 2019/05-2021/12,国家自然科学基金青年面上项目“热带降水对人为气溶胶强迫的响应特征与机理”,主持

  • 2018/07-2020/06,中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带海洋环境国家重点实验室开放课题“气溶胶强迫下热带印度洋海表温度响应的空间不均匀性及其气候效应”,主持

  • 2018/05-2020/05,中国博士后科学基金面上项目“南亚夏季风对人为气溶胶强迫的响应”,主持

  • 2018/07-2023/06,国家重点研发计划子课题“南大洋表层增暖迟滞成因及对全球气候的影响”,骨干

  • 2020/01-2023/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“南北半球气候不对称变化对ENSO的调制机理研究”,骨干

  • 2020/01-2023/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目“本世纪初南亚夏季风与ENSO关系的恢复增强及可能机制”,骨干

  • 2020/07-2022/06,国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目“人为排放气溶胶的纬向移动对东亚季风的影响”,骨干


  1. Wang, H., and Y. J. Wen, 2021: Climate response to the spatial and temporal evolutions of anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Climate Dynamics, 59, 1579-1595.

  2. Wang, H., 2021: Chapter 22: South Asian Summer Monsoon response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing, in Chowdary, J., Parekh, A., Gnanaseelan, C. (Eds), Indian Summer Monsoon Variability: El-Nino Teleconnections and Beyond. Elsevier. pp. 433-448. ISBN 9780128224021, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822402-1.00006-5.

  3. Wang, H., S. P. Xie, X. T. Zheng, Y. Kosaka, Y. Xu, and Y. F. Geng, 2020: Dynamics of Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19), e2020GL089919.

  4. Wang, H., S. P. Xie, Y. Kosaka, Q. Liu, and Y. Du, 2019: Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing. Journal of Climate, 32(3), 843-858.

  5. Wang, H., Xie, S. P., and Liu, Q., 2016: Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns. Journal of Climate, 29(14), 5175-5188.

  6. Wang, H., Xie, S. P., Tokinaga, H., Liu, Q., and Kosaka, Y., 2016: Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3444-3450.

  7. Wang, H., and Liu, Q., 2014: Boreal winter rainfall anomaly over the tropical indo-pacific and its effect on northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(4), 916-925.

  8. Wang, H., Liu, Q., and Zheng, J., 2013: Formation mechanism for the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal winter 1997/98 and the spring of 1998. Journal of Ocean University of China, 12(2), 312-317.

  9. Zhou, Z. Q., Xie, S. P., Zheng, X. T., Liu, Q., and Wang, H., 2014: Global warming–induced changes in El Niño teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America. Journal of Climate, 27(24), 9050-9064.

  10. 王海2022:人为气溶胶强迫对气候变化的调控特征与机理。刘秦玉主编,《海洋-大气相互作用研究进展》,中国海洋大学出版社,页码:317-332ISBN 9787567032125

  11. 郑建,王海,刘秦玉,2022:热带印度洋-西太平洋降水异常对东亚冬季风的影响机制。刘秦玉主编,《海洋-大气相互作用研究进展》,中国海洋大学出版社,页码:215-224ISBN 9787567032125

  12. 郑依玲,陈泽生,王海,杜岩,20192015/2016超强厄尔尼诺事件基本特征及生成和消亡机制。热带海洋学报,3804),10-19


  1. 海报,20181211日,美国 华盛顿:2018 AGU Fall Meeting

  2. 报告,20191014日,中国 西宁:第六届青年地学论坛

  3. 特邀报告,20191213日,美国 旧金山:2019 AGU Fall Meeting

  4. 特邀报告,20201014日,视频会议,南京信息工程大学,大气•风云讲坛(2020年第21期)

  5. 报告,2021710日,中国 贵阳:第七届青年地学论坛

  6. 特邀讲座,20211129日,日本 筑波大学 JDS International Seminar 2021

Hai Wang

Associate Professor

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Email: wanghai@ouc.edu.cn


09/2007-06/2011, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Ocean University of China

09/2011-06/2017, Ph.D. in Meteorology, Ocean University of China

09/2014-09/2016, Joint Ph.D. candidate, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, USA


01/2022-presennt, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China

07/2017-12/2021, Lecturer, Ocean University of China

Research Interests

Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions, Climate Change, Asian Monsoon


  • 2019/05-2021/12, NSFC project “Response of Tropical Precipitation to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing and their Mechanisms”, PI

  • 2018/07-2020/06, CAS, SCSIO, LTO project “Spatial inhomogeneous sea surface temperature response in tropical Indian Ocean to anthropogenic aerosol forcing and their climate effect”, PI

  • 2018/05-2020/05, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation “Response of South Asian Summer Monsoon to anthropogenic aerosol forcing”, PI

  • 2018/07-2023/06, The National Key R&D program “Role of Southern Ocean in global heat distribution and its effect on climate change”, Participant

  • 2020/01-2023/12, NSFC project “The study on the effect of inter-hemispheric asymmetric climate change on ENSO”, Participant

  • 2020/01-2023/12, NSFC project “The recent strengthening of the relationship between the South Asian Monsoon and ENSO since this century”, Participant

  • 2020/07-2022/06, NSFC-NRF project “Impact of a zonal shift of anthropogenic aerosols on East Asian Monsoon”, Participant


  1. Wang, H., and Y. J. Wen, 2021: Climate response to the spatial and temporal evolutions of anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Climate Dynamics, 59, 1579-1595.

  2. Wang, H., 2021: Chapter 22: South Asian Summer Monsoon response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing, in Chowdary, J., Parekh, A., Gnanaseelan, C. (Eds), Indian Summer Monsoon Variability: El-Nino Teleconnections and Beyond. Elsevier. pp. 433-448. ISBN 9780128224021, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822402-1.00006-5.

  3. Wang, H., S. P. Xie, X. T. Zheng, Y. Kosaka, Y. Xu, and Y. F. Geng, 2020: Dynamics of Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19), e2020GL089919.

  4. Wang, H., S. P. Xie, Y. Kosaka, Q. Liu, and Y. Du, 2019: Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing. Journal of Climate, 32(3), 843-858.

  5. Wang, H., Xie, S. P., and Liu, Q., 2016: Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns. Journal of Climate, 29(14), 5175-5188.

  6. Wang, H., Xie, S. P., Tokinaga, H., Liu, Q., and Kosaka, Y., 2016: Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7), 3444-3450.

  7. Wang, H., and Liu, Q., 2014: Boreal winter rainfall anomaly over the tropical indo-pacific and its effect on northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation in CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(4), 916-925.

  8. Wang, H., Liu, Q., and Zheng, J., 2013: Formation mechanism for the anomalous anticyclonic circulation over Northeast Asia and the Japan Sea in boreal winter 1997/98 and the spring of 1998. Journal of Ocean University of China, 12(2), 312-317.

  9. Zhou, Z. Q., Xie, S. P., Zheng, X. T., Liu, Q., and Wang, H., 2014: Global warming–induced changes in El Niño teleconnections over the North Pacific and North America. Journal of Climate, 27(24), 9050-9064.