



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院





1984.09/1988.07  中国海洋大学 海洋应用地球 物理 学士

1990.09/1993.07  中国海洋大学 物理海洋学 硕士

2003.06         中国海洋大学 物理海洋学 博士


1993.07/1999.12      中国海洋大学  海洋与大气学院 讲师

1999.12/2003.11      中国海洋大学  海洋与大气学院 副教授

2003.12/2015.09中国海洋大学  海洋与大气学院  教授/副院长


  1. 20160601-20180531日,东海******航次(JLG530-2016-02-W-06),1648万,主持;

  2. 20150101-20191231日,国家自然科学基金重点项目“黄海暖流形态与变化对暖舌结构影响的动力机制研究”(41430963),350万,主持;

  3. 20150101- 20161231日,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划)“海湾生态环境演变趋势及调控原理”,(2015CB452905),200万,参与;

  4. 20141231-20161231日,海洋可再生能源专项“黄海夏季冷水集中供冷系统装置研发与试验”,300万,主持;

  5. 20120501-20170531日,国家科技基础性工作及社会公益研究专项“渤黄海海洋动力环境和生态环境综合调查”(2012FY112200),932万,主持;

  6. 20110713-20131231日,温州市瓯飞工程用海规划、论证及相关专题(20110474),2358万,主持;

  7. 20101213-20121231日,海洋可再生能源专项“乳山口4万千瓦级潮汐电站站址勘查及预可研”(GHME2010ZC08),570万,主持;


  1. Song, D., Y. Yan, W. Wu, X. Diao, Y. Ding, and X.Bao(2016). Tidal distortion caused by the resonance of sexta-diurnal tides in a micromesotidal embayment, Journal of Geophysical Research:Oceans, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012039.

  2. Ding, Y., X.Bao, Z. Yao, C. Zhang, K. Wan, M.Bao, R. Li, and M. Shi (2016). A modeling study of the characteristics and mechanism of the westward coastal current during summer in the Northwestern South China Sea, Ocean Science Journal. (Accepted).

  3. Z. Yao., Z. Xue, R. He,X. Bao, and Q. Ge, (2016). Climate projections of spatial variations in coastal storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. East Coast, Journal of Ocean University of China, doi:10.1007/s11802-017-3012-6

  4. Yu, J., X.Bao, Y. Ding, W. Zhang, and L. Zhou (2016). The impact of large-scale reclamation on hydro-dynamic environment - A case study of Xinghua Bay, Journal of Ocean Universityof China, 15(4):583-592, doi:10.1007/s11802-016-2911-2.

  5. 郑淑贤, 鲍献文, 丁扬,. 南海西南部海盆附近中尺度涡及其水文特征[J]. 海洋湖沼通报, 2016(4):1-10.

  6. 高佳, 牟林, 王国松, 李程, 董军兴, 鲍献文. 马航MH370残骸漂移轨迹分析和预测[J]. 科学通报, 2016(21):2409-2418.

  7. 郭俊如, 宋军, 鲍献文,. 东中国海遥感叶绿素数据重构方法研究[J]. 遥感技术与应用, 2016(5):939-949.

  8. 宋军, 郭俊如, 鲍献文,. 东海黑潮与陆架海之间的水交换研究[J]. 海洋通报, 2016, 35(2):178-186.

  9. Wan, K., X.Bao, Y. Wang, X. Wan, H. Li, and K. Liu (2015), Barotropic current fluctuations coupled with sea level drawdown in Yellow and Bohai Seas, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(1):272-281,doi:10.1007/s00343-015-4056-3.

  10. Yao, Z., Z.Xue, R. He and X. Bao (2015). Regional downscaling of IPCC Sea surface wind predictions based on satellite data statistics, Journal of Ocean University of China, doi: 10.1007/s11802-016-2869-0.

  11. Bao, M., X.Bao, H. Yu, and Y. Ding (2015). Tidal characteristics in the Wenzhou offshore waters and changes resulting from the Wenzhou shoal reclamation project,Journal of Ocean University of China, 14(6:931-940), doi:10.1007/s11802-015-2498-z.

  12. 毕聪聪, 鲍献文, 万凯. 渤海盐度年代际变异对环流结构的影响[J]. 中国海洋大学学报自然科学版, 2015, 45(1):1-8.

  13. 鲍献文, 褚芹芹, 于华明. 海啸数值预报模型研究进展[J]. 中国海洋大学学报自然科学版, 2013, 43(3).

  14. Ding, Y., C. Chen, R. Beardsley, X.Bao, M. Shi, Y. Zhang, Z. Lai, R. Li, H. Lin, and N. T. Viet (2013). Observational and model studies of the circulation in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,118:6495–6510, doi: 10.1002/2013JC009455.

  15. Ding, Y., X.Bao, H. Yu, and L.Kuang(2012), A numerical study of the barotropic tides and tidal energy distribution in the Indonesian Seas with the assimilated finite volume coastal ocean model, Ocean Dynamics, 62(4):515-532,doi:10.1007/s10236-011-0518-0.

  16. Ding, Y., X.Bao, and M.Shi (2012).Characteristics of coastal trapped waves along the northern coast of the South China Sea during year 1990, Ocean Dynamics, 62:1259–1285, doi: 10.1007/s10236-012-0563-3.

  17. Z. Yao., R. He,X. Bao, and D. Wu, J. Song (2011).M2 tidal dynamics in Bohai and Yellow Seas: a hybrid data assimilative modeling study, Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-011-0517 -1.

  18. Ding, Y., H. Yu, X.Bao, L.Kuang, C. Wang, and W.Wang.Numerical study of the barotropic responses to a rapidly moving typhoon in the East China Sea, OceanDynamics, 61:1237-1259, doi: 10.1007/s10236-011-0436-1.


  1. 一种带辅助冷源的海洋冷冻水集中供冷系统和集中供冷方法ZL 2015 10660051.1

  2. 带辅助冷源的海洋冷冻水集中供冷系统ZL 2015 2 0791710.0

  3. 带辅助冷源的海洋冷冻水集中供冷装置ZL 2015 2 0791709.8

  4. 带辅助冷源的海洋冷水集中供冷系统中的冷量提取模块ZL 2015 2 0791653.6

  5. 黄海冷水团规模化综合利用系统ZL 2012 1 0514247.6  


  1. 2015年海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖,吴德星、陈学恩、鲍献文、林霄沛、宋军、马超、韩雪双、于华明、乔璐璐、郑沛楠、王国松,我国东部海区海洋动力环境关键过程及其精细化数值模拟与应用研究,国家海洋局

  2. 2015年海洋科学技术一等奖,崔文林、宋文鹏、张 波、曹雅静、鲍献文、王 娟、曲 亮、王家金、高晓慧、郑 琳、卜志国、姜独祎、单春芝、王 宁、杨 波,渤海海洋生态环境监测集成技术系统,国家海洋局

  3. 2015年福建省科学技术进步奖三等奖,林民标、叶祥辉、杨树森、鲍献文、张利、兴化湾港口岸线资源开发利用关键技术研究, 福建省人民政府

  4. 2013年高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 自然科学奖一等奖,吴德星、林霄沛、万修全、陈学恩、马超、鲍献文、宋军,我国东部陆架海区海洋动力环境变化及其机制,教育部

  5. 2011年国家科学技术进步奖二等奖,吴德星、陈学恩、郭心顺、鲍献文、吴爱娜、赵忠生、陈永兴、高占科、范洪涛、林霄沛,海洋仪器海上试验与作业基础平台若干关键技术及应用,中华人民共和国国务院


  1. 海洋调查专业委员会委员

  2. 海南省海洋与渔业科学院学术委员会委员

  3. 福建省海洋预报中心学术委员会委员

  4. 青岛市民盟科技委员

  5. 中国海洋工程咨询协会副秘书长





Xianwen BAO

Associate Professor

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

No.238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel:  +86-532-66781827

Email:  xianwenbao@126.com


  • B.S., 1988, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, Shandong, Geophysics

  • M.S., 1993, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, Shandong, Physical Oceanography

  • Ph.D., 2003, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong, Physical Oceanography


  • 1993.07—1999.12, Lecturer, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China

  • 1999.12—2003.11, Associate Professor, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China

  • 2003.12—2015.09College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of ChinaDeputy Dean/ Professor


  1. East China Sea Cruise****** (No. JLG530-2016-02-W-06), Chief Investigator, 1 June 2016-31 May 2018, CNY16,480,000.

  2. Study on forming mechanism of warm tongue structure and its relation to the Yellow Sea Warm Current, Chief Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China, (No. 41430963), 1 Jan 2015 - 31 Dec 2019, CNY3,500,000.

  3. Evolution trend and regulation principle of the bay’s ecological environment, Partner Investigator, National Basic Research Program of China/ 973 Project (No. 2015CB452905), 1 Jan 2015-31 Dec 2016, CNY2,000,000.

  4. Research and development of central cooling system based on the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, Chief Investigator, Fund for Marine Renewable Energy, (No. GHME2013JS06), 31 Dec 2013-31 Dec 2015, CNY3,000,000.

  5. Integrated investigation of marine dynamic environment and ecological environment in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea, Chief Investigator, Fundamentals of Scientific and Technological Work and Special Funds for Social Welfare Studies, (No. 2012FY112200), 1 May 2012-31 May 2017, CNY9,320,000.

  6. Regional marine planning, demonstration, and special topics of Oufei Project in Wenzhou (No.20110474), Chief Investigator, 13 Jul 2011-31 Dec 2013, CNY23,580,000.

  7. Pre-feasibility study on the construction of the Rushankou Tidal Power Station (4,000KW), Chief Investigator, Fund for Marine Renewable Energy (No. GHME2010ZC08), 13 Dec 2010-31 Dec 2012, CNY570,000.


  1. Song, D., Y. Yan, W. Wu, X. Diao, Y. Ding, and X.Bao(2016). Tidal distortion caused by the resonance of sexta-diurnal tides in a micromesotidal embayment, Journal of Geophysical Research:Oceans, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JC012039.

  2. Ding, Y., X.Bao, Z. Yao, C. Zhang, K. Wan, M.Bao, R. Li, and M. Shi (2016). A modeling study of the characteristics and mechanism of the westward coastal current during summer in the Northwestern South China Sea, Ocean Science Journal. (Accepted).

  3. Z. Yao., Z. Xue, R. He, X. Bao, and Q. Ge, (2016). Climate projections of spatial variations in coastal storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. East Coast, Journal of Ocean University of China, doi:10.1007/s11802-017-3012-6

  4. Yu, J., X.Bao, Y. Ding, W. Zhang, and L. Zhou (2016). The impact of large-scale reclamation on hydro-dynamic environment - A case study of Xinghua Bay, Journal of Ocean Universityof China, 15(4):583-592, doi:10.1007/s11802-016-2911-2.

  5. Zheng, S., X.Bao, Y. Ding, and K. Wan (2016).The hydrological characteristics of mesoscale eddy in the Southwestern Basin of the South China Sea. Transactions of Oceanology andLimnology,4:1-10, doi:10.13984/j.cnki.cn37-1141.2016.04.001

  6. Gao,J., L.Mou,G. Wong,C. Lee,J. Dong, X.Bao,H. Lee,and J. Song(2016).Drift analysis and prediction of debris from Malaysia AirlinesFlight MH370.Chinese science bulletin,61(21):2049-2418.

  7. Guo, J., J. Song,X.Bao, and J. Lee (2016). The Method Study of Remote SensingData Reconstruction in Multi-scale Variations of Chlorophyll in East China Sea. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 31(5):939-949.

  8. Song, J., J. Guo,X.Bao,L.Mou,J. Lee, and Y. Liu (2016). Study of the water exchange between Kuroshio and the East China Sea. Marine Science Bulletin, 35(2):178-186.

  9. Wan, K., X.Bao, Y. Wang, X. Wan, H. Li, and K. Liu (2015), Barotropic current fluctuations coupled with sea level drawdown in Yellow and Bohai Seas, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(1):272-281,doi:10.1007/s00343-015-4056-3.

  10. Yao, Z., Z.Xue., R. He and X. Bao (2015). Regional downscaling of IPCC Sea surface wind predictions based on satellite data statistics, Journal of Ocean University of China, doi: 10.1007/s11802-016-2869-0.

  11. Bao, M., X.Bao, H. Yu, and Y. Ding (2015). Tidal characteristics in the Wenzhou offshore waters and changes resulting from the Wenzhou shoal reclamation project, Journal of Ocean University of China, 14(6:931-940), doi:10.1007/s11802-015-2498-z.

  12. Bi,C., X. Bao, and K. Wan (2014),The effect of decadal salinity variations oncirculation in the Bohai Sea,Journal of Ocean University of China (NaturalScience Edition), 44(5).

  13. Bao,X., Q. Chu,and H. Yu (2013), The main advances of study on numerical forecast model of Tsunami,Journal of Ocean University of China (Natural Science Edition),43(3):001-006.

  14. Ding, Y., C. Chen, R. Beardsley, X.Bao, M. Shi, Y. Zhang, Z. Lai, R. Li, H. Lin, and N. T. Viet (2013). Observational and model studies of the circulation in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean, 118:6495–6510,doi:10.1002/2013JC009455.

  15. Ding, Y., X.Bao, H. Yu, and L.Kuang(2012), A numerical study of the barotropic tides and tidal energy distribution in the Indonesian Seas with the assimilated finite volume coastal ocean model, Ocean Dynamics, 62(4):515-532,doi:10.1007/s10236-011-0518-0.

  16. Ding, Y., X.Bao, and M.Shi (2012).Characteristics of coastal trapped waves along the northern coast of the South China Sea during year 1990, Ocean Dynamics, 62:1259–1285, doi: 10.1007/s10236-012-0563-3.

  17. Z. Yao., R. He,X. Bao, and D. Wu, J. Song (2011).M2 tidal dynamics in Bohai and Yellow Seas: a hybrid data assimilative modeling study, Ocean Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s10236-011-0517 -1.

  18. Ding, Y., H. Yu, X.Bao, L.Kuang, C. Wang, and W.Wang.Numerical study of the barotropic responses to a rapidly moving typhoon in the East China Sea, OceanDynamics, 61:1237-1259, doi: 10.1007/s10236-011-0436-1.

patentS& copyrightS

  1. Marine chilled water centralized cooling system with auxiliary cooling source and centralized cooling method, ZL201510660051.1

  2. Centralized chilled water supply equipment with auxiliary cold source, ZL 201520791710.0

  3. Centralized chilled water supply system with auxiliary cold source, ZL 201520791709.8

  4. Cold extraction module for marine cold water centralized cooling system with auxiliary cooling source, ZL 201520791653.6

  5. Large scale comprehensive utilization system of Yellow Sea cold water massZL, 20121 0514247.6


  1. 2015, First prize of Science and Technology Award of China Association of Oceanic Engineering, Wu, D., X. Chen, X. Bao, X. Lin, J. Song, C. Ma, X. Han, H. Yu, L. Qiao, P. Zheng, and G. Wang, Study on the key processes of ocean dynamic environment in the East China Sea and their fine numerical simulations and applications, State Oceanic Administration, People’s Republic of China

  2. 2015, Marine Science and Technology Award, First Prize, Cui, W., W. Song, B. Zhang, Y. Cao, X. Bao, J. Wang, L. Qu, J. Wang, X. Gao, L. Zheng, Z. Bo, D. Jiang, C. Shan, N. Wang, B. Yang, Integrated technology system of Marine Ecosystem Environment Monitor, State Oceanic Administration, People’s Republic of China

  3. 2015, Science and Technology Progress Award, Third Prize, Lin, M., X. Ye, S. Yang, X. Bao,L.Zhang,Investigation on Key Technology of the Portline Exploitation and Utilization in Xinghua Bay, Fujian Provincial

  4. 2013, First prize of Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education, Wu, D., X. Lin, X. Wan, X. Chen, C. Ma, X. Bao, and J. Song, The Dynamics Framework and Variability of Ocean Environment in the East China Coastal Seas, Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

  5. 2011, National Science and Technology Progress Award, Second Prize, Wu, D., X. Chen, X. Guo, X. Bao, N. Wu, Z. Zhao, Y. Chen, Z. Gao, H. Fan, X. Lin, Some Key Technologies and Application of Sea Test and Operation Basic Platform for Marine Instrument, The State Council of the People's Republic of China

Academic part-time

  1. Member of the Academic Committee of Hainan Ocean and Fishery Academy of Sciences

  2. Member of the Academic Committee of Fujian Ocean Forecast Center

  3. Member of the Ocean Survey Professional Committee

  4. Member of Science and Technology Committee of Qingdao Democratic Alliance

  5. Deputy Secretary-General of China Ocean Engineering Consulting Association


Undergraduate, Graduate: Ocean survey method

Research Interests

Continental shelf dynamicsOcean numerical simulationMarine renewable energyConsultation and Demonstration of  Sea-related EngineeringOcean survey method