



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院





1978/09-1982/06  河海大学 数学 学士

1984/09-1987/06  中科院数学所 基础数学 硕士

1989/09-1992/06  中科院力学所 流体力学 博士


1992/07-1994/7     中科院海洋所 博士后

1994/09-今        中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 教授,博士生导师


  1. 2014/01-2018/08,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“南海关键岛屿周边多尺度海洋动力过程研究”(2014CB745000),3000万,主持。

  2. 2016/07-2018/07,国家海洋局“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项“西太平洋中南部水体综合调查秋季航次”(GASI-02-PAC-STMSaut),2696万,主持。

  3. 2015/01-2016/07,国家海洋局“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项“西太平洋中南部水体综合调查冬季航次”(GASI-02-PAC-ST-MSwin),3115万,主持。

  4. 2012/01-2014/12,国家海洋局“全球变化与海气相互作用”专项“南海海洋环流形成变异机理及其气候效应”(GASI-03-01-01-03),310万,主持。

  5. 2017/01-2019/12,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)重大研究计划“南海深层环流的结构与变异”(91628302),87万,主持。

  6. 2011/01-2014/12,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)重大研究计划“南海东北部深层环流结构与变异”(91028008),400万,主持。

  7. 2012/01-2015/12,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)面上项目“南海中尺度涡诱发混合研究”(41176008),72万,主持。

  8. 2009/01-2012/12,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)重点基金“太平洋低纬度西边界海洋混合过程及其对上层环流-次表层环流相互作用的影响”(40890153),96万,主持。

  9. 2008/01-2010/12,国家自然科学基金(NSFC)面上项目“南海湍流混合过程研究”(40776005),45万,主持。

  10. 2005/01-2005/12,总装备部预研项目“基于标准X波段雷达的波浪遥测技术”(40701010404),248万,主持。


  1. Zhiwei Zhang, Jiwei Tian*, Bo Qiu, Wei Zhao et al., 2016: Observed 3D structure, generation, and dissipation of oceanic mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea. Sci. Rep., 6, 24349, doi: 10.1038/srep24349.

  2. Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Qingxuan Yang, Tangdong Qu, 2015: spatial structure and temporal variability of the zonal flow in the luzon strait, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(2), 759-776.

  3. Shoude Guan; Wei Zhao; John Huthnance; Jiwei Tian*; Jinhu Wang, 2014: Observed upper ocean response to typhoon Megi (2010) in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans., 119(5), 3134-3157.

  4. Wei Zhao; Chun Zhou; Jiwei Tian*; Qingxuan Yang; Bin Wang; Lingling Xie; Tangdong Qu, 2014: Deep water circulation in the Luzon Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(2), 790-804.

  5. Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Xinfeng Liang, 2013: A mesoscale eddy pair southwest of Taiwan and its influence on deep circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118(12), 6479-6494.

  6. Qingxuan Yang, Wei Zhao, Xinfeng Liang, Jiwei Tian*, 2016: Three-Dimensional Distribution of Turbulent Mixing in the South China Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 769–788.

  7. Chun Zhou, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Qingxuan Yang, Tangdong Qu, 2014: Variability of the Deep Water Overflow in the Luzon Strait. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44(11), 2972-2986.

  8. Qingxuan Yang, Wei Zhao, Min Li, and Jiwei Tian*, 2014: Spatial Structure of Turbulent Mixing in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 2235–2247. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0148.1.

  9. Jihai Dong, Wei Zhao, Hongtao Chen, Zhaocui Meng, Xiaochong Shi, Jiwei Tian*, 2014: Asymmetry of internal waves and its effects on the ecological environment observed in the northern South China Sea. Deep Sea Res. I, 98, 94-101.

  10. Xiaodong Huang, Zhaohui Chen, Wei Zhao*, Zhiwei Zhang, Chun Zhou, Qingxuan Yang, Jiwei Tian, 2016: An extreme internal solitary wave event observed in the northern South China Sea. Sci Rep., 6:30041, doi: 10.1038/srep30041.

  11. Zhongbin Sun, Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, 2016: Interannual modulation of eddy kinetic energy in the northeastern South China Sea as revealed by an eddy-resolving OGCM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011497.

  12. Xiaolong Zhao, Chun Zhou, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, Xiaobiao Xu, 2016: Deepwater overflow observed by three bottom-anchored moorings in the Bashi Channel. Deep Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 110: 65-74.

  13. Zhiwei Zhang,, Peiliang Li, Lixiao Xu, Cheng Li, Wei Zhao*, J. Tian, Tangdong Qu, 2015: Subthermocline eddies observed by rapid-sampling Argo floats in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean in Spring 2014. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(15), 6438-6445, doi:10.1002/2015GL064601.

  14. Wei Zhao*, Xiaodong Huang, Jiwei Tian, 2012: A New Method to Estimate Phase Speed and Vertical Velocity of Internal Solitary Waves in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 68(5), 761-769.

  15. Xiaodong Huang, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, Qingxuan Yang, 2014: Mooring observations of internal solitary waves in the deep basin west of Luzon Strait. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(3), 82-89, doi:10.1007/s13131-014-0416-7.


  1. 享受国务院政府特殊津贴;

  2. 2000年入选为国家百千万人才工程一二层次;

  3. 2015/04,获全国边海防工作先进个人称号。



Jiwei Tian


College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel: +86-532-66782367

Email: tianjw@ouc.edu.cn


09/1978-06/1982, B.S. in Mathematics, Hohai University

09/1984-06/1987, M.S. in Basic Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

09/1989-06/1992, Ph.D. in Hydromechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


09/1992-06/1994, Postdoctoral research in Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 09/1994-present, Professor & PhD advisor in Ocean University of China


  1. 01/2014/-08/2018, National Basic Research Program of China (973) project “Multi-scale oceanic dynamical processes surrounding key islands in the South China Sea” (2014CB745000), 30m, PI.

  2. 07/2016-07/2018, Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Project “The comprehensive survey in autumn at the Southern West Pacific” (GASI-02-PAC-STMSau), 26.96m, PI.

  3. 01/2015-07/2016, Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Project “The comprehensive survey in winter at the Southern West Pacific” (GASI-02-PAC-ST-MSwin), 31.15m, PI.

  4. 01/2012-12/2014, Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Project “The formation & variation mechanism and climate effect of circulation in the South China Sea (GASI-03-01-01-03), 3.1m, PI.

  5. 01/2017-12/2019, NSFC project Major research program “Structure and variation of deep circulation in the South China Sea” (91628302), 870k, PI.

  6. 01/2011-12/2014, NSFC project Major research program “Structure and variation of deep circulation in the northeastern South China Sea” (91028008), 4m, PI.

  7. 01/2012-12/2015, NSFC project “Study of mesoscale eddies-induced turbulent mixing in the South China Sea” (41176008), 720k, PI.

  8. 01/2009-12/2012, NSFC project “Oceanic mixing processes and their effects on the interaction between surface and sub-surface circulation in the low-latitude Pacific Ocean” (40890153), 960k, PI.

  9. 01/2008-12/2010, NSFC project “Study on turbulent mixing process in the South China Sea” (40776005), 450k, PI.

  10. 01/2005-12/2005, Equipment department pre-research project “Wave telemetry technology based on standard X band radar” (40701010404), 2.48m, PI.


  1. Zhiwei Zhang, Jiwei Tian*, Bo Qiu, Wei Zhao et al., 2016: Observed 3D structure, generation, and dissipation of oceanic mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea. Sci. Rep., 6, 24349, doi: 10.1038/srep24349.

  2. Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Qingxuan Yang, Tangdong Qu, 2015: spatial structure and temporal variability of the zonal flow in the luzon strait, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(2), 759-776.

  3. Shoude Guan; Wei Zhao; John Huthnance; Jiwei Tian*; Jinhu Wang, 2014: Observed upper ocean response to typhoon Megi (2010) in the Northern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans., 119(5), 3134-3157.

  4. Wei Zhao; Chun Zhou; Jiwei Tian*; Qingxuan Yang; Bin Wang; Lingling Xie; Tangdong Qu, 2014: Deep water circulation in the Luzon Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(2), 790-804.

  5. Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Xinfeng Liang, 2013: A mesoscale eddy pair southwest of Taiwan and its influence on deep circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118(12), 6479-6494.

  6. Qingxuan Yang, Wei Zhao, Xinfeng Liang, Jiwei Tian*, 2016: Three-Dimensional Distribution of Turbulent Mixing in the South China Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 769–788.

  7. Chun Zhou, Wei Zhao, Jiwei Tian*, Qingxuan Yang, Tangdong Qu, 2014: Variability of the Deep Water Overflow in the Luzon Strait. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44(11), 2972-2986.

  8. Qingxuan Yang, Wei Zhao, Min Li, and Jiwei Tian*, 2014: Spatial Structure of Turbulent Mixing in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 44, 2235–2247. doi: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-0148.1.

  9. Jihai Dong, Wei Zhao, Hongtao Chen, Zhaocui Meng, Xiaochong Shi, Jiwei Tian*, 2014: Asymmetry of internal waves and its effects on the ecological environment observed in the northern South China Sea. Deep Sea Res. I, 98, 94-101.

  10. Xiaodong Huang, Zhaohui Chen, Wei Zhao*, Zhiwei Zhang, Chun Zhou, Qingxuan Yang, Jiwei Tian, 2016: An extreme internal solitary wave event observed in the northern South China Sea. Sci Rep., 6:30041, doi: 10.1038/srep30041.

  11. Zhongbin Sun, Zhiwei Zhang, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, 2016: Interannual modulation of eddy kinetic energy in the northeastern South China Sea as revealed by an eddy-resolving OGCM. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011497.

  12. Xiaolong Zhao, Chun Zhou, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, Xiaobiao Xu, 2016: Deepwater overflow observed by three bottom-anchored moorings in the Bashi Channel. Deep Sea Research. Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 110: 65-74.

  13. Zhiwei Zhang,, Peiliang Li, Lixiao Xu, Cheng Li, Wei Zhao*, J. Tian, Tangdong Qu, 2015: Subthermocline eddies observed by rapid-sampling Argo floats in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean in Spring 2014. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(15), 6438-6445, doi:10.1002/2015GL064601.

  14. Wei Zhao*, Xiaodong Huang, Jiwei Tian, 2012: A New Method to Estimate Phase Speed and Vertical Velocity of Internal Solitary Waves in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 68(5), 761-769.

  15. Xiaodong Huang, Wei Zhao*, Jiwei Tian, Qingxuan Yang, 2014: Mooring observations of internal solitary waves in the deep basin west of Luzon Strait. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 33(3), 82-89, doi:10.1007/s13131-014-0416-7.


  1. Special Government Subsidy of the State Council

  2. 10/2000, "Key talent project" two levels

  3. 04/2015, the National advanced individual title of coast defence

Research Interests

Internal wave and mixing, mesoscale eddy, deep-ocean circulation