



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院





1991/09-1994/06  聊城师范学院 数学教育 学士

1999/09-2001/06  山东师范大学 基础数学  

2002/09-2005/06  中国海洋大学海洋资源与权益综合管理 博士


2005/07-2011/11     中国海洋大学 海洋环境学院 讲师

2011/12-今          中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 副教授


  1. 2017/01-2019/12,福建漳州古雷炼化一体化项目百万吨级乙烯及下游深加工装置配套码头工程海域使用论证和海洋环境影响报告修编(20170030),43万,主持

  2. 2015/07-2016/05,福建漳州古雷炼化一体化项目百万吨级乙烯及下游深加工装置配套码头工程海域使用论证和海洋环境影响报告编制(20150317),280万,主持

  3. 2015/01-2017/12,中国海洋发展研究会项目“国际海洋事务与对策研究”,骨干

  4. 2014/01-2017/12,国家科技支撑计划“深远海海上目标溯源与追踪技术”(2014BAB12B02),骨干

  5. 2013/12-2015/12,潍坊滨海生态旅游度假区商务接待中心项目(20130708),10万,主持

  6. 2013/09-2014/03,潍坊滨海游客服务中心项目(20130664),10万,主持

  7. 2013/08-2013/10,海洋娱乐项目海洋环境影响和海域使用论证报告表编制(20130442),20万,主持

  8. 2013/05-2015/12,营口LNG项目海域使用论证及海洋环境影响评价(20130346),240万,主持

  9. 2013/05-2014/04,基于海洋生态系统服务的围填海方案优化研究(20130269),10万,主持

  10. 2012/05-2013/04,青岛炼化液体化工品码头工程海域使用论证和海洋环境影响评价(20120571),骨干

  11. 2011/12-2013/12,广西LNG储运项目海洋环境影响评价(20110897),79.5万,主持

  12. 2011/09-2012/04,国核压水堆示范工程近岸海域环境功能区划调整专题技术服务(20110847),骨干

  13. 2011/01-2011/04,海洋可再生能源专项“成山头海域建设波浪能、潮流能海上试验与测试场的论证及工程预设计”,骨干

  14. 2011/01-2012/11,双岛湾区域规划泥沙冲淤及水动力专题研究(20110025),59万,主持

  15. 2010/10-2011/05,中新石化东吴仓储项目东吴作业区东3#、东4#泊位及库区建设海洋环评及海域使用论证(20100844),骨干

  16. 2010/09-2010/12,山东海阳核电厂近岸海域环境功能区划调整报告编制(20100793),骨干

  17. 2010/07-2012/12,“辽海一号”平台改造作为人工鱼礁导航设施海洋环境影响评价(20100559),36万,主持

  18. 2010/07-2012/12,海洋可再生能源专项“长岛海流能源资源调查分析项目”(20100499),骨干

  19. 2010/04-2010/12,福州港江阴港区8#9#泊位工程海域使用论证报告书、海洋环评报告书编制(20100258),110万,主持

  20. 2009/07-2009/12,华能山东石岛湾核电厂扩建工程可行性研究阶段海洋环境影响评价报告(20090496),骨干

  21. 2008/09-2009/01,福州港江阴港区15#-17#泊位工程环境影响评价(20080066),68万,主持

  22. 2008/09-2009/06,福州港江阴港区15#-17#泊位工程海域使用论证(RC-2008-3),115万,主持

  23. 2008/09-2008/12,南海深水区油气开发工程环境条件研究(20080238),21万,主持

  24. 2008/05-2008/09,基于遥感资料的海洋环境信息提取技术研究(20080102),骨干

  25. 2008/09-2009/03,华能山东石岛湾核电厂扩建工程海域环境影响评价报告(0826RSK02),21万,主持

  26. 2007/09-2008/09,华能山东石岛湾核电厂高温气冷堆核电示范工程海洋环评报告(20070241),骨干

  27. 2007/08-2008/10,万向石油储运(舟山)有限公司成品油码头及配套设施工程海域使用论证,15万,主持

  28. 2007/02-2008/02,江苏华电滨海港电厂2×1000mw工程海洋环境影响评价、路由分析及海域使用可行性论证(20070076/20070077),骨干

  29. 2006/04-2006/06,福建罗源火电厂数值模拟试验及海洋环境评价(20060112),14万,主持

  30. 2006/05-2007/04,海洋功能评估数学模型研究(oss 2006),10万,主持

  31. 2006/02-2007/02,山东乳山红石顶核电厂工程可行性研究、多断面全潮同步综合观测(20060015),骨干

  32. 2005/12-2006/12,国电蓬莱发电有限公司二期扩建2×670MW超超临界、循环经济、环保节约型发电工程海洋环境影响报告书编制,骨干


  1. Qinglin Zhu,Peifang Guo, 2013: The model study of Marine functional evaluation. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering(CISME), 8(3))393-401

  2. 于洋、朱庆林、郭佩芳, 2013: 基于生态系统服务的罗源湾围填海方案的经济效益评价. 海洋湖沼通报20132),140-145

  3. 朱庆林、王正林、刘晓春, 2013: 中国海监继续教育模式创新与实践. 中国成人教育,32714, 106-108

  4. 张樨樨,朱庆林, 2011: 海洋科技人才集聚促进半岛蓝色经济增长的效应研究. 东岳论丛, 32(9), 143-147

  5. 张樨樨,朱庆林,谭骏, 2011: 海洋科技人才集聚力综合评价研究.山东大学学报, 2011(2), 65-71


  1. 朱庆林2008:海洋功能评价数学模型软件[简称OFENNS软件]OFE1.0国家专利证书号2008SR15187


  1. 张润秋,郭佩芳,朱庆林2013:海洋管理概论,海洋出版社2013.12

  2. 朱庆林,郭佩芳,张越美,2011:海洋环境保护,中国海洋大学出版社,2011.11














Qinglin Zhu

Associate Professor

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel: +86-532-66781511



09/1991-06/1994, B.S. in Mathematics education, Liaocheng Normal University

09/1999-06/2001, M.S. in Basic Math, Shandong Normal University

09/2002-09/2005, Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China


07/2005-11/2011, Lecture, Ocean University of China

12/2011-present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China


  1. 01/2017-12/2019, Fujian Zhangzhou Gulei refining-chemical integration project “The revision of sea area use demonstration and marine environmental impact statement on Megaton Ethylene and down-stream deep processing device supporting wharf engineering” (20170030), 430k, PI

  2. 07/2015-05/2016, Fujian Zhangzhou Gulei refining-chemical integration project “The establishment of sea area use demonstration and marine environmental impact statement on Megaton Ethylene and down-stream deep processing device supporting wharf engineering” (20150317), 2.8m, PI

  3. 01/2015-12/2017, CAMA project “The research on international ocean affairs and responses”, Participant

  4. 01/2014-12/2017, National Key Technology Support Program  “The technology of sea target tracing and tracking in the deep sea” (2014BAB12B02), Participant

  5. 12/2013-12/2015, Business reception center project of Weifang coastal ecotourism resort (20130708), 100k, PI

  6. 09/2013-03/2014, Weifang coastal tourist service center project (20130664), 100k, PI

  7. 08/2013-10/2013, The establishment of marine environment impact statement and sea area use demonstration on marine entertainment (20130442), 200k, PI

  8. 05/2013-12/2015, The marine environment impact statement and sea area use demonstration on Yingkou LNG project (20130326), 2.4m, PI

  9. 05/2013-04/2014, Study on optimization of sea reclamation based on marine ecosystem services (20130269), 100k, PI

  10. 05/2012-04/2013, The marine environment impact statement and sea area use demonstration on wharf engineering of refining liquid chemicals on Qingdao (20120571), Participant

  11. 12/2011-12/2013, The marine environment impact statement of Guangxi  LNG storage and transportation project (20110897), 795k, PI

  12. 09/2011-04/2012, The special technology service of state nuclear pressurized water reactor demonstration project coastal marine environmental function division adjustment (20110847), Participant

  13. 01/2011-04/2011, Marine renewable energy source special project “sea trials and assessment field argument for building wave energy and tidal current energy in Chengshantou sea area and pre-design of the project”, Participant

  14. 01/2011-11/2012, The special study of  sediment scouring and silting and hydrodynamic in shuangdao bay regional planning (20110025), 590k, PI

  15. 10/2010-05/2011, Dongwu warehousing project of Zhongxin shihua “The marine environment impact statement and sea area use demonstration on berth and reservoir areas of east 3# and 4# on work zone of Dongwu” (20100844), Participant

  16. 09/2010-12/2010, The report establishment on coastal marine environmental function zoning adjustment of Shandong Haiyang nuclear power plant (20100793), Participant

  17. 07/2010-12/2012, The marine environment impact statement of “Liaohai yi hao” platform modification as navigation facilities for artificial reef (20100559), 360k, PI

  18. 07/2010-12/2012, Marine renewable energy source special project “The investigation and analysis project of Changdao current energy resources” (20100499), Participant

  19. 04/2010-12/2010, The establishment of sea area use demonstration and marine environment impact statement on berth project of Fujian Jiangyin port 8# and 9# (20100258), 1.1m, PI

  20. 07/2009-12/2009, The marine environment impact statement report on feasibility study of extension project in Huanneg Shandong shidao bay nuclear power plant (20090496), Participant

  21. 09/2008-01/2009, The environmental impact assessment of 15#-17# berth project in Fuzhou Jiangyin port (20080066), 680k, PI

  22. 09/2008-06/2009, The sea area use demonstration of 15#-17# berth project in Fuzhou Jiangyin port (RC-2008-3), 11.5m, PI

  23. 09/2008-12/2008, The research on environment conditions of oil and gas development engineering in the deepwater area of south China sea (20080238), 210k, PI

  24. 05/2008-09/2008, The research on extraction technology of marine environment information based on remote sensing data (20080102), Participant

  25. 09/2008-03/2009, The marine environment impact statement report of extension project in Huanneg Shandong shidao bay nuclear power plant (0826RSK02), 210k, PI

  26. 09/2007-09/2008, The marine environment impact statement report on nuclear demonstration project of  high temperature gas-cooled reactor in Huanneg Shandong shidao bay nuclear power plant (20070241), Participant

  27. 08/2007-10/2008, The sea area use demonstration on oil product wharf and supporting facilities project of wanxiang petroleum logistics (Zhoushan) C O., LTD, 150k, PI

  28. 02/2007-02/2008, The marine environment impact statement, routing analysis and sea area use demonstration on 2×1000mw project of coastal power plant in Jiangsu Huadian (20070076/20070077),  Participant

  29. 04/2006-06/2006, The numerical simulation and marine environment statement of thermal power plant in Fujian Luoyuan (20060112), 140k, PI

  30. 05/2006-04/2007, The mathematical model research on marine functional evaluation (oss2006), 100k, PI

  31. 02/2006-02/2007, The feasibility study and simultaneous comprehensive observation on diurnal tide of cross sections in Hongshiding nuclear power plant in Shandong Rushan (20060015), Participant

  32. 12/2005-12/2006, The establishment of marine environment impact report on second stage enlargement 2×670MW ultra-supercritical, circular economy and environmental protection and economizing power generation project of Guodian penglai power generation co., LTD, Participant


  1. Qinglin Zhu, Peifang Guo, 2013: The model study of Marine functional evaluation. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering(CISME), 8(3)393-401

  2. Yu yang, Zhu Qinglin, and Guo Peifang, 2013: Evaluation of economic benefit of sea reclamation planning projects in Luoyuan Bay based on marine ecosystem service. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013(2), 140-145

  3. Zhu Qinglin, Wang Zhenglin, and Liu Xiaochun, 2013: The innovation and practice of the continuing education mode for China marine surveillance. China Adult Education, 60(3), 667-672

  4. Zhang Xixi, Zhu Qinglin, 2011: The research on the Shandong peninsula blue economic growth effects promoted by marine science and technology talent agglomeration, Dong Yue Tribune., 32(9), 143-147

  5. Zhang Xixi,Zhu Qinglin, and Tan Jun, 2011: Comprehensive evaluation of marine science and technology talent agglomeration, Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2011(2), 65-71


Zhu Qinglin 2008: mathematical model software of marine functional evaluation (OFENNS) OFE1.0, patent number: 2008SR15187


Zhang Runqiu, Guo Peifang, Zhu Qinglin, 2013: Overview of marine management. Ocean press, 2013.12

Zhu Qinglin, Guo Peifang, Zhang Yuemei, 2011: Marine environmental protection. Ocean University of China press, 2011.11

Academic part-time

Shandong oceanic engineering expert consultant;

Member of  the “Cross-strait industrial innovation alliance” committee


Marine monitoring and detection (National Center of Ocean Standards and Metrology)

Sea area use demonstration (State Oceanic Administration, People’s Republis of China)

Environmental impact assessment on construction project (Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China)

Environmental damage identification (All-China Environment Federation)


Undergraduate: Overview of Ocean Management; Administration of the Use of Sea; Marine environment Management; Marine Environmental Protection

Postgraduate: Marine environment Management; Marine Management; Marine Environmental Assessment

Research Interests

Marine functional evaluation;

Marine environmental assessment and marine resources evaluation;

Marine environment security and sea area use demonstration.