



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院




2003/09-2007/06  中国海洋大学 大气科学 学士

2007/09-2010/06中国海洋大学气象 硕士

2010/09-2014/06  中国海洋大学 气象 博士

2011/10-2013/10  美国 夏威夷大学 联合培养博士



2014/07-2020/12    中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院 讲师




[1] 2020/01-2023/12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,黑潮对热带气旋强度和结构的影响特征及机制研究41975061,主持

[2] 2020/01-2023/12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,本世纪出南亚夏季风与ENSO关系恢复增强的可能机制(41975089),参与

[3] 2017/01-2019/12, 国家自然科学基金青年基金,ENSO与印度洋海温异常对西北太平洋热带气旋频数的综合影响41605037,主持

[4] 2016/01-2017/12, 中国博士后基金,1998-2013 年西北太平洋热带气旋活动减弱的机理分析(2015M572079),主持



[1] Qin, L., F. Huang, S. Xu*, 2021: Precipitation Distribution of the Extended Global Spring-Autumn Monsoon and its Possible Formation Mechanism, Journal of Ocena University of China, 20 (5): 1027-1036

[2] Qian, H., S. Xu*, X. Wu, 2021: Analysis of the leading modes of autumn precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin, Journal of Ocena University of China, 20 (4): 803-810

[3] Zhong, R., S. Xu*, F. Huang, 2020: Reasons for the Weakening of Tropical Depressions in the South China Sea, Monthly Weather Review 148(8)

[4] Wu, Y., S. Xu*, F. Huang, W. Xin, 2020: Prediction of Accumulated Cyclone Energy in Tropical Cyclone over the Western North Pacific in Autumn, Climate Dynamics 55(11-12):1-16

[5] Fan, T., S. Xu*, F. Huang, J. Zhao.2018:The phase differences of the interdecadal variabilities of tropical cyclone activity in the peak and late seasons over the western North Pacific Theor Appl Climatol (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2465-x

[6] Xu, S., F. Huang*, 2015: Impacts of the Two Types of El Niño on Pacific Tropical Cyclone ActivityJournal of Ocean University of China, 14(2), pp 191-198

[7] Xu, S., B. Wang*, 2014: Enhanced western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity in May in recent years. Climate Dynamics, 42(9-10), pp 2555-2563

[8] Xiang, B., B. Wang*, W. Yu, S. Xu, 2013, How can anomalous western North Pacific Subtropical High intensify in late summer? Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2349–2354, doi:10.1002/grl.50431

[9] Wang*, B., S. Xu, L. Wu, 2012: Intensified Arabian Sea tropical storms, Nature, 489(7416), pp E1-E2

[10] Huang* F., S. Xu, 2010, Super Typhoon Activity over the Western North Pacific and Its Relationship with ENSO, Journal of Ocean University of China, 9(2), pp 123-128

[11] 黄菲,李金泽,许士斌,王宏,2019:东亚大槽冬春季节内演变的主模态时空特征,中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 49(10):118-125

[12] 吴彦洁, 黄菲, 许士斌, 王宏, 2018: 秋季西北太平洋热带气旋累积能量的年际变化及其预报, 海洋气象学报, 38(04):19-27

[13] 张希帆, 黄菲, 许士斌, 王宏, 2019: 弱台风影响下中国大暴雨事件发生频次的统计特征, 海洋气象学报, 39(03):11-18

[14] 谭云霞, 黄菲, 许士斌, 王宏, 2019: 中国极端干旱--空雨频率的主模态时空特征中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),49(02):14-20

[15] 黄菲,许士斌,2009:西北太平洋超强台风活动特征及其与ENSO的关系[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 39(05):883-888







Associate professor

College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Email: xushibin@ouc.edu.cn



09/2003-06/2007, B.S. in Atmosphere Science, Ocean University of China

09/2007-06/2010, M.S. in Meteorology, Ocean University of China

09/2010-06/2014, Ph.D. in Meteorology, Ocean University of China

10/2011-10/2013, Joint Ph.D. candidate, University of Hawaii



01/2014-12/2020, Lecturer, Ocean University of China

01/2021-present Associate professor, Ocean University of China


[1] 2020/01-2023/12, NSFC project,  “CharacteristicandmechanismoftheinfluenceofKuroshioonTropical Cyclone intensity and Structure,(41975061), 780K, PI

[2] 2017/01-2019/12, NSFC project“ The combined effect of ENSO and Indian Ocean SST anomaly on tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific” (41605037)190KPI

[3] 2016/01-2017/12, China Postdoctoral Science FoundationThe mechanism of the inactive tropical cyclone activities over the western North Pacific during 1998-2013”2015M572079),50KPI



[1] Qin, L., F. Huang, S. Xu*, 2021: Precipitation Distribution of the Extended Global Spring-Autumn Monsoon and its Possible Formation Mechanism, Journal of Ocena University of China, 20 (5): 1027-1036

[2] Qian, H., S. Xu*, X. Wu, 2021: Analysis of the leading modes of autumn precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin, Journal of Ocena University of China, 20 (4): 803-810

[3] Zhong, R., S. Xu*, F. Huang, 2020: Reasons for the Weakening of Tropical Depressions in the South China Sea, Monthly Weather Review 148(8)

[4] Wu, Y., S. Xu*, F. Huang, W. Xin, 2020: Prediction of Accumulated Cyclone Energy in Tropical Cyclone over the Western North Pacific in Autumn, Climate Dynamics 55(11-12):1-16

[5] Fan, T., S. Xu*, F. Huang, J. Zhao.2018:The phase differences of the interdecadal variabilities of tropical cyclone activity in the peak and late seasons over the western North Pacific Theor Appl Climatol (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2465-x

[6] Xu, S., F. Huang*, 2015: Impacts of the Two Types of El Niño on Pacific Tropical Cyclone ActivityJournal of Ocean University of China, 14(2), pp 191-198

[7] Xu, S., B. Wang*, 2014: Enhanced western North Pacific tropical cyclone activity in May in recent years. Climate Dynamics, 42(9-10), pp 2555-2563

[8] Xiang, B., B. Wang*, W. Yu, S. Xu, 2013, How can anomalous western North Pacific Subtropical High intensify in late summer? Geophysical Research Letters, 40, 2349–2354, doi:10.1002/grl.50431

[9] Wang*, B., S. Xu, L. Wu, 2012: Intensified Arabian Sea tropical storms, Nature, 489(7416), pp E1-E2



Undergraduate: Dynamic Meteorology; Atmospheric and Oceanic Data Analysis


Research Interests

Tropical cycloneLargescale air-sea-interaction