学术报告——Atmosphere-ice-ocean-ecosystem processes in a thinner Arctic sea ice regime: the Norwegian young sea ICE (N-ICE2015) expedition


题  目:Atmosphere-ice-ocean-ecosystem processes in a thinner Arctic sea ice regime: the Norwegian young sea ICE (N-ICE2015) expedition
主讲人:Dr. Mats Granskog  挪威极地研究所

时  间:周三(418日)下午2:00

地  点:崂山校区图书馆第一会议室


Mats GranskogSenior Researcherthe Norwegian Polar Institute


1sea ice physics-biology-chemistry coupling, and physical and chemical oceanography in ice covered seas, especially arctic and subarctic waters with strong influence from terrestrial runoff.

2Sea ice and marine optics, with application to the effects of the ice-albedo feedback and the influence of CDOM on the light climate in Arctic waters are of special interest.

3Using data from Fram Strait we are also assessing the flux of carbon and freshwater in Arctic outflow (East Greenland Current) in Fram Strait.

4Have experience from work in the Baltic Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Hudson Bay, the Antarctic sea ice zone, Barrow (Alaska),and Arctic waters around Svalbard and East Greenland.
