



中国海洋大学 海洋与大气学院




2011/09-2015/06  兰州大学,大气科学,学士

2015/09-2018/06  兰州大学,气候学,硕士

2018/09-2021/06  中国科学院大气物理研究所,气象学,博士


2021/07至今  中国海洋大学,海洋与大气学院,讲师


[1] Zhang Yanting, Wu Renguang, 2021: Droughts of different time scales over Asia and associated atmospheric circulation and SST anomaly patterns, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7167.

[2] Zhang Yanting, Wu Renguang, 2021: Evaluating spatial patterns of Asian meteorological drought variations and associated SST anomalies in CMIP6 models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-021-03639-4.

[3] Zhang Yanting, Guan Xiaodan, Yu Haipeng, et al., 2017: Contributions of radiative factors to enhanced dryland warming over East Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122:7723-7736.

[4] Huang Jianping, Zhang Guolong, Zhang Yanting, et al., 2020: Global desertification vulnerability to climate change and human activities, Land Degradation and Development, 31(11):1380-1391.

[5] Guan Xiaodan, Huang Jianping, Zhang Yanting, et al., 2016: The relationship between anthropogenic dust and population over global semi-arid regions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16:5159-5169.

[6] Chen Siyu, Jiang Nanxuan, Huang Jianping, Zang Zhou, Guan Xiaodan, Ma Xiaojun, Luo Yuan, Li Jiming, Zhang Xiaorui, Zhang Yanting, 2019: Estimations of indirect and direct anthropogenic dust emission at global scale, Atmospheric Environment, 200:50-60.

[7] Guan Xiaodan, Huang Jianping, Guo Ruixia, Yu Haipeng, Lin Pu, Zhang Yanting, 2015: Role of radiatively forced temperature changes in enhanced semi-arid warming in the cold season over east Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,15(23):13777-13786.

[8] 张艳婷, 陈斌, 张廷瀚, , 2017: 利用MODISMISR资料对APEC会议期间气溶胶时空分布特征的分析, 大气与环境光学学报, 2:136-147.

[9] 张艳婷, 黄建平, 管晓丹, , 2017: 全球人类活动对气候影响强度的定量评估, 干旱气象, 35:182-189.

[10] 郭瑞霞, 管晓丹, 张艳婷, 2015: 我国荒漠化主要探究进展, 干旱气象, 33:505-514.

[11] 张芝娟, 陈斌, 王皓, 张国龙, 张艳婷, 2017: 利用OMI资料分析APEC会议期间吸收性气溶胶的时空分布特征, 兰州大学学报-自然科学版, 53:93-100.

[12] 张国龙, 张廷瀚, 陈斌, 张芝娟, 张艳婷, , 2017: APEC期间京津冀地区污染物变化特征分析, 大气与环境光学学报, 12:184-194.








Yanting Zhang


College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Email: zyt@ouc.edu.cn


09/2011-06/2015, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Lanzhou University

09/2015-06/2018, M.S. in Climatology, Lanzhou University

09/2018-06/2021, Ph.D. in Meteorology, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences


07/2021 to present, Lecture, Ocean University of China


[1]Zhang Yanting, Wu Renguang, 2021: Droughts of different time scales over Asia and associated atmospheric circulation and SST anomaly patterns, International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.7167.

[2] Zhang Yanting, Wu Renguang, 2021: Evaluating spatial patterns of Asian meteorological drought variations and associated SST anomalies in CMIP6 models, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-021-03639-4.

[3] Zhang Yanting, Guan Xiaodan, Yu Haipeng, et al., 2017: Contributions of radiative factors to enhanced dryland warming over East Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 122:7723-7736.

[4] Huang Jianping, Zhang Guolong, Zhang Yanting, et al., 2020: Global desertification vulnerability to climate change and human activities, Land Degradation and Development, 31(11):1380-1391.

[5] Guan Xiaodan, Huang Jianping, Zhang Yanting, et al., 2016: The relationship between anthropogenic dust and population over global semi-arid regions, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,16:5159-5169.

[6] Chen Siyu, Jiang Nanxuan, Huang Jianping, Zang Zhou, Guan Xiaodan, Ma Xiaojun, Luo Yuan, Li Jiming, Zhang Xiaorui, Zhang Yanting, 2019: Estimations of indirect and direct anthropogenic dust emission at global scale, Atmospheric Environment, 200:50-60.

[7] Guan Xiaodan, Huang Jianping, Guo Ruixia, Yu Haipeng, Lin Pu, Zhang Yanting, 2015: Role of radiatively forced temperature changes in enhanced semi-arid warming in the cold season over east Asia, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,15(23):13777-13786.


Excellent Graduate of Lanzhou University, 2018

China National Scholarship, 2017


Undergraduate: Atmospheric Physics, FORTRAN Programming

Research Interests

Drought, Climate Change, Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction, Impact of Human Activity on Climate Change