

01-Zhong et al. 2018-Greater role of geostrophic currents in Ekman dynamics in the western Arctic Ocean as a mechanism for Beaufort Gyre stabilization(download

02-Zhong et al. 2018-Turbulent mixing above the Atlantic Water around the Chukchi Borderland in 2014(download

03-Zhao et al.2018-Record low sea-ice concentration in the central Arctic during summer 2010(download

04-Zhao et al. 2018-The Physical Significance of the Synthetic Running Correlation Coeffcient and Its Applications in Oceanic and Atmospheric Studies(download

05-Zhang et al. 2018- An improved dual-polarized ratio algorithm for sea ice(download

06-林龙,赵进平 2018-雪热传导系数与穿过海冰的热通量研究(download

07-徐道欢等 2018-北极海冰减退期间加拿大海盆潮流变化特征(download

08-刘喻道等 2018-基于海气耦合浮标分析北欧海夏季海气热通量及其对ERA- InterimOAFlux 的评估(download

09-李珵等 2018-北极中央区海冰低密集度现象研究(download

10-姚文峻,史久新 2018-南极中层水盐度多年变化_1981_2010(download

11-史久新 2018-南极冰架_海洋相互作用研究综述(download

12-Chen, X. Y.,Tung K-K, 2018-Global surface warming enhanced by weak Atlantic overturning circulation(download

13-Chen, X. Y, and K.-K. Tung, 2018-Global mean surface temperature variability_space-time perspective from rotated EOFs(download

14-Tung K-K, Chen X Y, J. S. Zhou, K.-F. Li, 2018-Interdecadal variabiltiy in pan-Pacific and global SST(download

15-Wang J, Chen X, 2018-Intercomparison of the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature v4 and v3b Datasets(download

16-Fan Ting et al. 2018-The phase differences of the interdecadal variabilities of tropical cyclone activity in the peak and(download


18-药蕾,苏洁. 2018. 渤海海冰与西伯利亚高压之间的关系和与北大西洋涛动之间的可能联系(download

19-吴彦洁 等 2018-秋季西北太平洋热带气旋累积能量的年际变化及其预报(download

20-Liu, M et al.2018- Inter-Calibration of HY-1BCO CTS Thermal Infrared Channels with MetOp-AIASI(download

21-Shi-2018-IEEE IGARSS Retrieval and validation of sea ice concentration from AMSR-E_AMSR2 in polar regions(1)(download

22-Wang Mingfeng et al.2018-Determination of Arctic melt pond fraction and sea ice roughness from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery(download


24-Jia C et al.2018-Article_Ancylomarina psychrotolerans sp. nov. isolated from sediments of Fildes Peninsula and emended the description of genus Ancylomarina(download

25-Liu C et al.2018-Secondary metabolites from Antarctic marine derived fungus Penicillium crustosum HDN153086(download

26-Zhu et al.2018-Isolation and Complete Genome Sequence of a Novel Marinobacter Phage B23(download

27-Li et al.2018-Isolation and genome sequencing of the novel marine phage PHS3 from the Yello(download

28-Yang Q et al. 2019-Metagenomic Characterization of the Viral Community of the South Scotia Ridge(download

29-Gong Z et al.2018-Viral Diversity and Its Relationship With Environmental Factors at the Surface and Deep Sea of Prydz Bay, Anta(download

30-Qin QL etal.2019-Trophic Specialization Results in Genomic Reduction in Free-Living Marine Idiomarina Bacteria(download

31-Shao X et al.2019-Mechanistic insight into 3-methylmercaptopropionate metabolism and kinetical regulation of demethylation pathway in marine dimethylsulfoniopropionate-catabolizing bacteria(download

32-Handbook of Research on International Collaboration, Economic Development, and Sustainability in the Arctic

33-郭培清 2018-中美在南海-北极立场的对比研究(download

34-郭培清 2018-新北方政策下的韩俄远东-北极合作及对中国启示(download

35-郭培清 2018-挪威斯瓦尔巴机场降级事件探讨(download

36-郭培清 2018-美俄在白令海峡的较量与合作(download


38-郭培清,Book Review Invitation: Arctic Law and Governance The Role of China and Finland. Volume 32, Ocean Yearbook, Spring 2018.

39-董跃 2018-南极搜救体系现状与影响及我国的对策研究(download

40-孙凯 2018-冰上丝绸之路背景下的中俄北极能源合作——以亚马尔LNG项目为例(download


42-白佳玉 2018-北极理事会科学合作新规则的法律解析(download

43-白佳玉 2018-论北冰洋海区海洋划界形势与进展(download

44-白佳玉 2018-海洋生态保护的法治要求——海环法修订视角下的实证解读(download

45-白佳玉 2018-大陆国家远洋群岛制度的习惯国际法分析与我国适用(download